Key Slot Standards

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Featuring the finest in decorative and functional adjustable shelving systems including shelf standards, shelf brackets and shelf supports. A wide variety of decorative shelf brackets in multiple finishes as well as industrial strength brackets. Standard Keyway Dimensions. STANDARD KEYSEAT DIMENSIONS. Holes and Slots Standard Holes. Standard hole sizes for bolts are made 1/16-in. Larger in diameter than the nominal size of the fastener body. This provides a certain amount of play in the holes, which compensates for small misalignment’s in hole location or assembly, and aids in.

Keys are usually made on the shop floor by mechanics in accordance with published standards. However, this simplified approach is likely to produce keys made of the wrong material and in the wrong shape. The reason: published standards only cover key and keyway dimensions. Most standards fail to discuss the important issue of key material, as well as their shape and installation.

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Key material

To avoid key failures due to overload, choose a key material with the same strength and hardness as the shaft or hub. The reason for this can be found by examining the equations for calculating key stresses.

As shown by the last equation in the box, key stress equals shaft stress when the key (or hub) length is 1.6 times the shaft diameter. But modern couplings, particularly those made from alloy steels, have shorter hubs than this. They are usually equal to, or only slightly longer than the shaft diameter. In this case, key stress is about 50% higher than shaft stress. This would appear to require that the key material be 50% stronger than that of the hub; however, because part of the torque is transmitted through friction between the shaft and hub bore, the key material need only be as strong as the shaft material. Key stock is available from most steel suppliers in various grades of steel, including alloy steel.

Key geometry and fit

An improperly fitted key can cause costly maintenance problems, or even machine failures. Before installing a hub for a drive component, ensure that the key has the correct shape and dimensions. Then make sure that the key fits properly as follows:

• Tight in the shaft keyway.
• Sliding (not clearance) fit in the hub keyway.
• Clearance fit radially — a small clearance between top of the key and bottom of the hub keyway.
• Key length extends inward from the shaft end (never beyond) to beyond the hub end, by at least the rounded portion of the key.

The first two of these conditions ensure that the hub can’t rotate, even slightly, on the shaft. If a hub rotates (slips) on its shaft, every torque reversal causes hammering on the sides of the key, leading to damage. As damage to these contact surfaces occurs, clearance develops between them, and the key will eventually shear. A sliding fit between the key and hub keyway is recommended for ease of assembly and disassembly and can cause a hub to split. To ensure that the hub seats properly on its shaft, provide some clearance between the key and the bottom of the hub keyway. In the case of a coupling hub, this clearance provides an opening through which water or corrosive gases can enter the coupling, causing damage to its internal surfaces. To seal this opening against contaminants, apply a room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) sealant on top of the key before installing the hub.

The corners of a key must be chamfered so they do not interfere with the fillet radii in the keyway, Figure 2. On the other hand, too-large a chamfer reduces the area of contact between a key and the sides of the keyway. Under load, and particularly during shock loads, these smaller contact surfaces are more easily damaged.

A loose-fitting key, Figure 3, allows forces generated by torque to roll the key, causing high edge loadings between the key and keyway. Such edge loading can shear the key, Figure 4.

Tapered keys (plain or Gib-head) are sometimes used instead of setscrews to hold hubs from sliding on their shafts. Driven in too far, they cause poor hub-toshaft contact, Figure 1; if not driven far enough, they allow sliding between hub and shaft. Unfortunately, there is no way to check if tapered keys are properly installed. For these reasons, you should avoid using tapered keys for coupling applications.

Design, manufacturing, and installation errors


A key with a square end is likely to damage the shaft when transmitting torque, Figure 5. The corner of the key creates a high contact stress in the shaft, which can cause it to fail. To avoid such failures, use only keys with rounded ends.

The transmission of torque through a key must occur over the full length of the hub, otherwise twisting movements can occur between the hub and shaft. These movements cause shaft fretting (surface damage caused by small alternating motions), which leads to fatigue failure. If a key has a round end, the only way to transmit torque over the full length of the hub is to extend the key beyond the hub, by at least its rounded portion. Figure 6 shows the wrong approach: although the end of the key is rounded (as it should be), the key transmits torque only over its straight portion.

The relationship between key length and hub length also affects system balance. For example, a void between the rounded end of the key and the end of the hub keyway, Figure 6, causes the system to be out of balance. This condition can cause vibration especially at the high speeds typically encountered in electrical motor operation.

On the other hand, a key that extends beyond the hub also causes imbalance. If a balanced coupling is required, use a notched key, Figure 7. As a rule-ofthumb, a coupling should be balanced if it is going to be installed on the shaft of a motor with a balanced rotor.

The most often encountered error in key manufacturing is the use of key steel that is softer than the shaft. Remember that the key material and hardness should be similar to that of the shaft or hub.

This article is based on the book “Flexible Couplings: their design, selection and use,” by Michael Calistrat.

Michael M. Calistrat is a consultant on power transmission design and failure analysis and owner of Michael Calistrat & Associates, Missouri City, Texas.


Azure Key Vault helps solve the following problems:

  • Secrets Management - Azure Key Vault can be used to Securely store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets
  • Key Management - Azure Key Vault can also be used as a Key Management solution. Azure Key Vault makes it easy to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data.
  • Certificate Management - Azure Key Vault is also a service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL) certificates for use with Azure and your internal connected resources.

Azure Key Vault has two service tiers: Standard, which encrypts with a software key, and a Premium tier, which includes hardware security module(HSM)-protected keys. To see a comparison between the Standard and Premium tiers, see the Azure Key Vault pricing page.

Why use Azure Key Vault?

Centralize application secrets

Centralizing storage of application secrets in Azure Key Vault allows you to control their distribution. Key Vault greatly reduces the chances that secrets may be accidentally leaked. When using Key Vault, application developers no longer need to store security information in their application. Not having to store security information in applications eliminates the need to make this information part of the code. For example, an application may need to connect to a database. Instead of storing the connection string in the app's code, you can store it securely in Key Vault.

Your applications can securely access the information they need by using URIs. These URIs allow the applications to retrieve specific versions of a secret. There is no need to write custom code to protect any of the secret information stored in Key Vault.

Securely store secrets and keys

Access to a key vault requires proper authentication and authorization before a caller (user or application) can get access. Authentication establishes the identity of the caller, while authorization determines the operations that they are allowed to perform.

Authentication is done via Azure Active Directory. Authorization may be done via Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) or Key Vault access policy. Azure RBAC is used when dealing with the management of the vaults and key vault access policy is used when attempting to access data stored in a vault.

Azure Key Vaults may be either software-protected or, with the Azure Key Vault Premium tier, hardware-protected by hardware security modules (HSMs). Software-protected keys, secrets, and certificates are safeguarded by Azure, using industry-standard algorithms and key lengths. For situations where you require added assurance, you can import or generate keys in HSMs that never leave the HSM boundary. Azure Key Vault uses nCipher HSMs, which are Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 Level 2 validated. You can use nCipher tools to move a key from your HSM to Azure Key Vault.

Finally, Azure Key Vault is designed so that Microsoft does not see or extract your data.

Monitor access and use

Once you have created a couple of Key Vaults, you will want to monitor how and when your keys and secrets are being accessed. You can monitor activity by enabling logging for your vaults. You can configure Azure Key Vault to:

  • Archive to a storage account.
  • Stream to an event hub.
  • Send the logs to Azure Monitor logs.

You have control over your logs and you may secure them by restricting access and you may also delete logs that you no longer need.

Simplified administration of application secrets

When storing valuable data, you must take several steps. Security information must be secured, it must follow a life cycle, and it must be highly available. Azure Key Vault simplifies the process of meeting these requirements by:

  • Removing the need for in-house knowledge of Hardware Security Modules.
  • Scaling up on short notice to meet your organization's usage spikes.
  • Replicating the contents of your Key Vault within a region and to a secondary region. Data replication ensures high availability and takes away the need of any action from the administrator to trigger the failover.
  • Providing standard Azure administration options via the portal, Azure CLI and PowerShell.
  • Automating certain tasks on certificates that you purchase from Public CAs, such as enrollment and renewal.

In addition, Azure Key Vaults allow you to segregate application secrets. Applications may access only the vault that they are allowed to access, and they can be limited to only perform specific operations. You can create an Azure Key Vault per application and restrict the secrets stored in a Key Vault to a specific application and team of developers.

Integrate with other Azure services

Key Slot Standards Test

As a secure store in Azure, Key Vault has been used to simplify scenarios like:

  • The always encrypted and Transparent Data Encryption functionality in SQL server and Azure SQL Database
  • Azure App Service.

Key Vault itself can integrate with storage accounts, event hubs, and log analytics.

Key Slot Standards

Next steps

Slot Machine Door Key

  • Learn more about keys, secrets, and certificates