Occasion Dict

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46 synonyms of occasion from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 90 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for occasion. Occasion: a particular point at which an event takes place. Occasions definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.


Occasional Dictionary

[count]:a special event or time
  • birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions
  • They marked/celebrated the occasion with their families.
  • Roses are the perfect flower for any occasion.
  • a memorable/historic occasion
  • On the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, they took a vacation to Paris.
2 Occasion Dict[count]somewhat formal:a particular time when something happens
  • This would mark the first occasion [=time] that the club accepted new members.
often used after on
  • We usually meet at noon, but on this particular occasion, we met at two o'clock.
  • I heard him speak on more than one occasion. = I heard him speak on several occasions.
3 somewhat formal:a chance or opportunity:a situation that allows something to happenusually followed by to + verb
  • The boys never had occasion to meet each other.
  • He took/used the occasion to make an announcement.
[singular]somewhat formal:a reason to do somethingoften + for
:Occasion Dictsometimes but not often:from time to time

Occasion Dictionnaire

  • On occasion [=occasionally], we'll drive out to the beach and watch the sunset.
  • I have on occasion tried to help him with his homework.

Occasion Dictionnaire

see 1rise


Occasion Dictionary Def

1‘she consulted him on a number of occasions’

instance, time, moment, juncture, point
event, happening, occurrence, affair, incident, episode, experience, situation, case, circumstance

2‘the perfect venue for a special occasion’

social event, event, affair, function, celebration, party, ceremony, get-together, gathering
British informal rave-up, thrash, knees-up, jolly, beanfeast, bunfight, beano, lig

3‘I doubt if the occasion will arise’

opportunity, opportune time, suitable time, right moment, chance, opening, window

4‘it's the first time I've had occasion to complain’

reason, cause, call, grounds, justification, need, necessity, requirement, excuse, pretext, stimulus, inducement, provocation, motive


1‘her situation occasioned a good deal of sympathy’

cause, give rise to, bring about, result in, lead to, prompt, provoke, evoke, elicit, call forth, produce, create, arouse, make, make for, generate, engender, originate, effect, bring on, induce, precipitate, stir up, inspire, spark off, trigger, breed

Occasion Oxford Dictionary

rare effectuate


    on occasion
    occasionally, sometimes, from time to time, now and then, every now and then, now and again, every now and again, at times, every so often, once in a while, every once in a while, on occasions, on the odd occasion, periodically, at intervals, irregularly, sporadically, spasmodically, infrequently, intermittently, on and off, off and on

    often, frequently

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